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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Lead: Mrs A Wilkinson

Pupil Premium Link Governor: Mrs K Reid

Register your children for free school meals here.

At Lanercost Church of England Primary School, we believe that the highest possible standards can only be achieved by having the highest expectations of all learners. Some pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds require additional support; therefore, we will use all the resources available to help them reach their full potential, including the pupil premium grant (PPG). Research shows that pupils from socially disadvantaged backgrounds can under achieve compared to their peers. This grant is provided to enable these pupils to reach their full potential and to help close any gaps. We are committed to ensuring that every individual child is given the best possible chance of making excellent progress and so achieve their full potential. We whole-heartedly believe that a ‘social disadvantage’ must not be allowed to be a barrier to a child’s future.

What is the Pupil Premium Grant?
The Pupil Premium Grant was introduced by the Government in April 2011 and is allocated to schools to help support pupils who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years (known as ‘Ever 6’). The funding is used to provide additional educational support to improve progress and to raise the standard of achievement for pupils who are, or who have ever been, registered as eligible for Free School Meals. Currently, primary schools receive £1,345 per pupil, per year.

A Service Pupil Premium is allocated for children whose parents are in the armed forces. This funding is specifically aimed at providing pastoral support ensuring the social and emotional well-being. Each school receives £310 per pupil, per year for this.

In addition, children who are adopted or on a special guardianship receive extra funding called Pupil Premium Plus. This is a higher rate of £2345 per year, per child and this funding is used to narrow and close the gap between the achievement of these pupils and their peers and whilst also ensuring the social and emotional well being.

The was created to provide funding for three key areas:

  • Raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and closing the gap with their peers
  • Providing funding for LAC (Looked After Children) and previously LAC
  • Supporting pupils with parents in the armed forces.

The Pupil Premium Strategy is on a form set by the Department of Education.

In order to ensure that our Pupil Premium children get the best education and maximise their learning opportunities to ‘narrow the gap’, we use the EEF (Education endowment Foundation) guide to help us invest the Pupil Premium payment made to us by the Government.

Click this link to see this research: https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/evidence-summaries/pupil-premium-guide/

If you would prefer a printed version of the Pupil Premium information or if you have any questions then, in the first instance, please contact Mrs Ruddick in the school office.

What is Early Years Pupil Premium?
From April 2015, we are able to claim extra government funding through the Early Years Pupil Premium to support children’s development, learning and care. The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) provides funding for three and four year old children whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits or who were formerly in local authority care but who left care because they were adopted or were subject to a special guardianship or child arrangements order.

Our school is able to claim this supplementary funding of £302 per year for each three and four year old that meets the national eligibility criteria. The principle behind the additional funding is to support the school to continue to improve children’s outcomes and to boost achievement of children who may be disadvantaged.

Further Information about Early Years Pupil Premium: Further Information
Early Years Pupil Premium Application Form: Application Form

How can I find out if my child is entitled to Pupil Premium?
The process for applying is straightforward and confidential. You can apply online by clicking on the website link below. This will guide you through eligibility and whether you qualify to receive free school meals or other forms of Pupil Premium Allocation. Apply for Pupil Premium Here: How to apply for Pupil Premium

If you would like to speak to a member of staff for more information, please contact the office by calling 016977 2702 and they will be happy to direct you to the appropriate member of staff who will assist you through this process.

Please Note: Children in Reception and Key Stage One are automatically entitled to Universal Free School Dinners; however, registering your child could entitle them to additional funding and support and once your child enters Key Stage Two they will continue to receive free school meals as per eligibility. Please press on the links provided for further information.

Further Information about Pupil Premium GOV.UK Pupil Premium Information
Apply for Pupil Premium Here How to apply for Pupil Premium
Apply for Free School Meals Here Government Guidance on Eligibility and How to Apply Online
